Turtle Hatchery
On the beach you will find the Turtle Hatchery at Reef Seen. The purpose of this project is to protect the living sea turtles to increase the chances for turtle hatchlings to reach maturity. They buy newly laid eggs from locals who find a nest. By doing so they encourage villagers not to kill or capture mature turtles, who are likely to return and lay more eggs.
The hatchlings are protected and kept at Reef Seen in a holding tank where they are fed and cared for until they are bigger and have a greater chance of survival in the open sea. Depending on the season they have eggs from three different species of sea turtles, Green turtle, Olive Ridley and Hawksbill.
Reef Seen also makes the villagers aware of the need for conservation. Local fishermen increasingly recognize the problem of exploiting natural resources.For a small donation you can hear the story of the project and visit the centre. You can sponsor and release a juvenile turtle (numbers permitting). For this or any other form of assistance to the project you will receive a certificate of recognition.